


這項技術是由Mistra Future Fashion所開發,經過六年的研究,被形容是一項“突破”,Blend Re:wind將棉花轉化為全新的高品質粘液纖維和聚酯成為兩種純淨的新素材。


La Motte of Mistra Future Fashion與RISE研究科學家Hanna de la Motte博士說:「我們的獨立工序Blend Re:wind是以現有已開發的工業流程為基礎開發的,我們的目標是盡可能地整合,以最大限度地減少環境和經濟成本,同時促進產業發展。擴大實驗室規模是目前最大的挑戰,同時也是要付出龐大的代價。Blend Re:wind過程的整合盡可能將以可行的方式來應對這些挑戰」。

「目前全球正在進行多項卓越的環保再造創新,成功的未來環保回收系統非常有需要,很可能需要不同的流程,我們希望Blend Re:wind能在未來的全球市場中佔有一席之地」。






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Sweden’s Blend Re:Wind Has a New Process for Recycling Cotton and Polyester

Blend Re:wind, a new process that recycles cotton and polyester, has been introduced in Sweden by Mistra Future Fashion.

The process breakthrough came after six years of research in textile recycling and is an important milestone toward the future of global textile recycling systems necessary to enable circularity for fashion and textiles, said Hanna de la Motte, theme leader of Mistra Future Fashion and a research scientist at the Research Institutes of Sweden.

“Our separation process, Blend Re:wind, is developed having existing industrial processes in mind, and our aim is to integrate as much as possible to minimize both environmental and economic costs, while boosting businesses,” de la Motte said. “Scaling up from lab scale is the biggest challenge at the moment and it is also costly. The integration possibilities of the Blend Re:wind process would, however, address these challenges in feasible ways.”

Mistra Future Fashion is a research program on circular economy and serves for a future positive fashion industry.

She said there are various innovative recycling methods in progress globally at the moment that are “highly needed for successful future recycling systems. Different processes will most probably be needed and we hope that Blend Re:wind is one of these on the  global market in the future.”

In Blend Re:wind, new viscose filaments from cotton are produced by a chemical recycling process of polyester and cotton fiber blends. The process generates three circular outgoing product streams. Cotton is turned into new high-quality viscose filaments and polyester into two pure new monomers.

Sigrid Barnekow, program director at Mistra Future, explained that the project focuses on chemical recycling of polyester and cotton fiber blends with the objective to separate and generate relevant outputs for future industrial use–polyester monomers and a cotton pulp suitable for regeneration into cellulosic textile fibers, like viscose.

The key focus is on the cotton recycling stream to produce high quality viscose filaments from the separated cotton residue, which is crucial for further industrial processing toward recycled fabrics, Barnekow noted.

So far, viscose filaments have successfully been obtained from cotton separated from worn-out polyester and cotton blend sheets. The filaments have the same quality as filaments made from commercial dissolving pulp used in existing viscose production.

The separated polyester residue known as monomers, can be re-polymerized into high quality polyester. A strong benefit with this process is that the separation takes existing industries into consideration, and the aim is integration with existing forest and chemical industries, or other recycling options. The separation uses chemicals already utilized in the Swedish forest industry, and in the viscose industry, to facilitate possible integrations.

Blend Re:wind was developed in the Swedish Mistra Future Fashion initiative by the Chalmers University of Technology, Research Institutes of Sweden and the international forest industry group Södra.

The project budget is 600,000 euros ($705,000), which has been funded in Mistra Future Fashion with funds from the Mistra Research Foundation, RISE Circle Economy Centre of Excellence, and in-kind contribution from involved partners.

Original Article: Sourcing Journal

