
日本帝人開發運動服用Octa Neo多層纖維


Teijin Frontier Co是帝人集團纖維產品的轉換製作公司,該公司表示,將為2017年春夏運動服與內衣發表名為Octa Neo的纖維,並計劃在2020年3月前,達到年銷售50萬公尺的目標。

Octa Neo是一種皮芯纖維(內芯+外皮包覆),使用帝人的中空紗,以八片聚酯纖維為核心材料。該公司解釋,Octa具有8個突起的鱗片,獨特的橫切面看起來像是圍繞一管狀纖維呈放射狀的排列。Octa Neo可與各種化學和天然的短纖維相結合。

Octa Neo多層纖維的結構與柔軟度結合了輕量、高膨鬆度、吸水和擴散性,可應用於各層面,同時,還具備了硬度、延展性和透氣性。

Octa Neo可以透過與其他帝人纖維結合,以擴大其應用層面,如:T恤、polo衫、內衣或牛仔布。


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Teijin Frontier develops Octa Neo multilayer fibre

Teijin Frontier Co., Ltd., plans to release Octa Neo in time for 2017 spring/summer sportswear and underwear applications. Octa Neo is also said to be an ideal fibre for uniforms, bedding and various industrial materials. Annual sales of 500,000 metres are targeted by the fiscal year ending in March 2020.

Octa Neo is a sheath-core fiber that uses Octa filament as its core material. Octa has a unique cross section comprising eight projections, or fins, aligned in a radial pattern around a tube-like fibre. It combines the low weight, high bulkiness, water absorption and water diffusion of Octa with the texture and softness of staple fibers selected for each application. Octa Neo also offers stiffness, stretchiness and breathability.

According to Teijin, Octa Neo, in addition to its own excellent properties, can be integrated through combined weaving with other highly functional fibres from Teijin Frontier for expanded applications, such as T-shirts, polo shirts, underwear or denim.

Although chemical fibres are already used widely for highly functional sportswear, there are the company says, strong demands for materials that offer better textures that are not achievable with conventional fibres. Staple fibres offer the desired texture, but they lack sufficient strength and stretchiness, the company adds. To combine the attractive features of both fibres, Teijin Frontier leveraged its original technology to develop Octa Neo, which combines Octa fibre and other chemical or natural fibres.

Original Article: Knitting Industry

