
Under Armour持續成長,成為Nike最可怕的競爭對手

最新的財務報告顯示,Under Armour營收將首度超過十億元美金大關,且預計明年將成長25%。

Under Armour營運策略開始著重於冬季保暖發熱運動服飾,讓寒冷的冬天中增添保暖運動機能的元素。

根據一些華爾街分析師的說法,Under Armour在機能運動服飾的技術上,顯然已經超越Nike。

“Under Armour能超越Nike的最大原因在於,他們能將機能性紡織及布料技術巧妙地融入產品市場定位當中。” 諮詢公司Conlumino首席執行長尼爾·桑德斯在給Business Insider的email當中這麼說到。

在春夏2016年的展示會中,Under Armour向Business Insider展示了新的涼感技術,它將出現在新的產品系列當中。

這個最新的技術,名為「Cool Switch」,看起來像一個簡單的印刷圖案,但它實際上是利用汗水激活涼感的冷卻技術。一旦你開始鍛煉時出汗,布料將開始啟動涼感機制。

九月份,耐克公司向商業內幕約AeroReact - 汗激活冷卻技術,該公司表示,已在醞釀三年。該產品發生反應,水蒸汽,然後冷卻亞軍下來。


儘管Nike的女性運動服飾市場銷售得非常好,Under Armour也找來了Misty Copeland作為其代言人,預計將為Under Armour的女裝銷售注入新的力量。

在女性運動產品中,Under Armour致力於讓女性在運動當中可以減少汗水的影響。Under Armour首席女裝設計Kate Williams就展示了可以消除汗液和微生物的紡織布料。

Under Armour的成功原因在於該品牌的商品多樣性。


認識 ACODRY® Cool 涼感布料 | What is ACODRY® Cool?
認識涼感衣 | What Are Fast Cooling Shirts?
認識發熱衣 | What Are Heat Tech Clothing?
ACODRY® Thermal 發熱保暖布料

Under Armour is swiftly becoming a viable competitor to Nike.

The company recently reported quarterly revenues of more than $1 billion for the first time. Sales of its activewear are expected to grow 25% next year.

Under Armour, which started out selling shirts that keep you warm on cold days or cool on hot ones, arguably invented the concept of performance wear.

And its technology appears to be ahead of Nike in some ways, according to several Wall Street analysts.

"Under Armour is ahead of Nike in terms of how they are integrating technology into their proposition," Neil Saunders, CEO of consulting firm Conlumino, wrote in an email to Business Insider.

At its spring/summer 2016 showcase, Under Armour showed Business Insider a new kind of "cooling" technology it was featuring in its latest apparel lineup.

This latest venture, called Cool Switch, looks like a simple printed pattern — but it actually features a sweat-activated cooling technology. As soon as you start sweating during a workout, the apparel will start cooling you down.

In September, Nike told Business Insider about AeroReact — a sweat-activated cooling technology that the company said had been three years in the making. That product reacts to moisture vapor and then cools the runner down.

Nike remains the number one apparel company in the United States.

Though Nike's women's business is thriving, Under Armour — complete with Misty Copeland as its spokesmodel — has a powerful women's business, too.

The brand is going far to keep women on the go with as little sweat as possible. Under Armour's head of women's design, Kate Williams, showed Business Insider a microthread fabric that eliminates sweat and microbes as an example.

The also brand showed Business Insider apparel with wrist holes, so you can check out your Apple Watch while you're out for a run.

Ultimately, Under Armour's success comes down to the fact that the brand has a great product selection.

"Looking at the product mix, it is clear that Under Armour now has a 'head to toe' approach to sporting and fitness which is both attracting new customers to the brand, as well as increasing cross-selling opportunities and average ticket values from existing consumers," Saunders wrote in a note.

Original Article: Business Insider

