
ACODRY® Pro Sleeveless Training Shirt 伸縮無袖運動緊身衣 [Garmin Limited Edition限量款]

MbX x Garmin
ACODRY® Pro Sleeveless Training Shirt 伸縮無袖運動緊身衣

Garmin Limited Edition 科技時尚限量款

一群工程師和一個偉大的產品構想,造就了今日全球衛星定位導航系統的領導品牌Garmin。身為導航和通訊產品的領導者,Garmin 總是堅持給消費者最專業的品質。為了推廣運動風氣,Garmin 再次找上MbX合作開發2015款的伸縮無袖運動緊身衣,利用 MbX Sportswear 對科技運動服飾專業的概念,導入 Garmin 科技時尚的理念,很迅速地擦出激烈火花。此款 Garmin 伸縮無袖運動緊身衣共有神秘黑、糖果桃、螢光黃和純淨白,以四種色彩開創新的活潑動力,並導入新一代 ACODRY® Pro 高階棉感吸濕快乾布料。獨特的紡織纖維處理工藝,與一般布料相比,能更快將皮膚的排汗吸走,進而提升人體的舒適度,並額外加強抗UV保護層,讓人體在艷陽高照下也能有效阻擋UV傷害皮膚。讓您在運動時能保持乾爽清新的舒適體驗。

As a leading brand of GPS devices worldwide, Garmin always deliver the most professional technology quality to consumers. In 2013, Garmin partnered with MbX Sportswear to develop a brand new product - ACODRY® Pro Sleeveless Training Shirt. This limited edition Sleeveless Training shirt implemented Garmin future technology elements into its design concept. With the revolutionary material: ACODRY® Pro is designed to keep you comfortable and dry next-to-skin, the revolution technology that provides significantly faster moisture wicking action and quicker drying than cotton or other materials. The anti-odor function prevents the growth of odor causing microbes, plus its UV protection, giving you the whole new experience while doing sports.

  • 可置於洗衣機,不須乾洗 (使用溫水或冷水洗滌即可)
  • 避免使用漂白劑或衣物柔軟精等強效洗潔劑,以免破壞布料功能
  • 避免長時間浸泡水中
  • 自然風乾或放入烘乾機,選用中低溫烘乾
  • 風乾後20~30分鐘,即可恢復吸濕排汗效果

Care Instruction:
  • Machine washable
  • Avoid using chlorine bleach, fabric softeners or stain removers
  • Avoid soaking in water or stay wet for a long period of time
  • Line dry, or tumble with low heat if necessary
  • The durable water-repellent(DWR) will be reactivated after 20~30 minutes

(了解更多ACODRY® Pro機能布料)

